If Pang Da auto (one of Saab’s new owners) was in the US, they would be in the top 300 of Fortune companies … and hardly anyone knows the name.
Saab auto has had quite the journey from its home in Sweden to being part of General Motors and now owned by a firm in Netherlands and soon to be sold to Pang Da auto and a partner in China.
The Global 5000 companies have seen an increase in revenue of 11.7%. Industrial companies (a group where autos are categorized) grew even more at 15.9%. The auto industry had an even better year, growing at 19.1%. So, we have all this growth and in the middle is a key brand name like Saab and they have not built a card in months. A very unique situation.
For its part, Pang Da is an auto dealer in China whose revenue has double from $3.5 billion in 2008 to more than $7 billion in 2010. More transformation of global economics to developing parts of the world
This represents just one of many stories represented in The Global 5000.
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