Volkswagen with so much to lose – Why?

The news this week that Volkswagen has been up to no good in order to evade US emissions rules has many scratching their head. Why?  With so much to lose in terms of brand value, stock market valuation, most likely some jobs and their reputation among buyers . . . it really begs the question: […]

The Saab Journey — now on to China

If Pang Da auto (one of Saab’s new owners) was in the US, they would be in the top 300 of Fortune companies … and hardly anyone knows the name. Saab auto has had quite the journey from its home in Sweden to being part of General Motors and now owned by a firm in […]

Another Global 5000 Company Merger and an Important GM Release

One thing about watching the companies that are part of  the Global 5000 – there is always something interesting to watch as these firms continue to look for growth and improving their business. This morning reports included the news that two companies in the packaging/paper / container markets are getting together with TennRock acquiring Smurfit-Stone […]