Selling Canada’s Energy Resources – China Calling !

In one of the news announcements yesterday, came word that CNOOC of China is buying Nexen of Canada – an energy exploration company.  CNOOC is a $38 billion company and Nexen reported revenues of $6.3 billion in 2011. This is a major step for a Chinese company, a major step in the energy industry and […]

What Market Metrics work for you?

With key concepts and phrases like big data, metrics, marketing analytics and benchmarks floating around our every day vocabulary we thought it appropriate to see how these might apply to the B2B marketplace. Both sales and marketing are trying to find opportunities – whether they are called target markets, leads, prospects or some other label, […]

Can Social Media Work With Global 5000 Companies?

We recently came across a good article in Chief Marketer that focused on an IBM initiative to use social media with inside sales teams. This got us thinking – -does social media really work in B2B markets? From Facebook to Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, companies everywhere are using and experimenting with social media. There has […]

Is This Where B2B Sales is Heading?

There was a good article in Forbes today that speaks to the real challenge facing organizations today as they attempt to continue searching for ways to increase sales while struggling with the changing environment of social media tools & customer engagement. We still live in a world where many B2B sales and marketing personnel continue […]

A Profile of China’s Big Business

This week’s earnings announcement by Apple highlighted the importance of China in the world market. Their sales success in China this quarter has been hailed by some as the reason Apple was able to beat the numbers this quarter. From the earlier days when the term BRIC was created and emerging markets started to be […]

Spending on Corporate Training & Education in Global 5000 Companies

In previous posts, we have outlined the size and footprint of The Global 5000 set of companies. The combined revenue of this group of the largest enterprises in the world equates to approximately 2/3 of the world GDP.  They make most of the money in the business world and spend like it too. One of […]

A Global Metric for B2B Sales – how do your sales measure up?

As B2B companies look for areas of growth, going global and looking at emerging markets comes to the top of the list these days. The US economy has been on a good run from last year into 2012 but Europe is a big question mark.  Sizing up market estimates, sizes and plans is always a […]

American Airlines, Eastman Kodak and Facebook

Within a few short weeks the reports came out about 2 traditionalGlobal 5000 firms — American Airlines and Eastman Kodak — filed for bankruptcy. At the same time Facebook is filing for what is shpaing up to be one of the largest IPO’s ever. None of this is exactly news. American is one of the […]

Where do Private Companies fit in your Database Plan?

Most of the business press and financial news focuses our attention on public companies. Because they are public, information on those companies is easy to find and they issues all forms of communications to keep up their visibility. Private companies are private for a reason and they do make that much information avaialble. It all […]