With the month of March in the books, we updated 718 records during the month including adding 33 new companies (and deleting a corresponding 33 others). At this point, the database currency is 99% – all 5,000 records have had an update within the past 12 months.
We continue to see a robust level of M&A activity. For those firms looking for lead generation opportunities, their databases will need to be updated with all these new combinations . . . and some spin-offs.
Among the key new firms added are:
- Phoenix Group Holdings, a UK based investment & insurance business
- ASR Nederland, a Netherlands insurance company
- Elior Group, a food services firm based in Paris
- Plastic Omnium is a $6 billion auto suppliers
- Grupo Comercial Chedraui is a food retailer based in Mexico
At the same time companies removed during March include some where their revenue that fell short of the minimum as well as those merged or acquired:
- Agrium has now merged with Potash Corp of Saskatchewan
- Reynolds American was acquired by BAT
- Toys R Us is now liquidating
- CST Brands was acquired by Canadian firm Alimentation Couche-Tard
- Baker Hughes was acquired by General Electric
More information about the Global 5000 database is on this page.