Heinz and Kraft Create New Top 20 Food Company

The announcement today that Kraft foods and Heinz will be merging to form one of the largest food companies in the world, had us digging into The Global 5000 database to take a look at where they will rank and how the industry stacks up. Looking at the broad ‘food’ group which includes beverages, farming, […]

Top 100 Oil Companies

Throughout The Global 5000 database, there are a couple of key demographic attributes we track and use to further our research and use to research new companies.  Those are major industry sector and country where the firm is headquartered. Another use of these data elements is to continually look to understand which sectors are growing […]

Here’s what I learned from building my own B2B database

The Global 5000 database is an effort to create and maintain a database of the 5,000 largest (as defined by annual revenue) companies in the world. These can be public or private firms and are located in any country. It is built by hand with a great deal of research depth and updated on an […]

Major Account Sales & B2B Target Markets

In B2B markets, the focus on database marketing  and major account selling often creates challenges between marketing and sales where the major account team feels they know the accounts quite well and marketing is trying to find new interest for the company products and services. Some organizations want marketing help and some would rather marketing […]

Big Oil and Growth Rates

****** AN UPDATED ARTICLE ON THE OIL & GAS SEGMENT IS POSTED HERE  **************   There is a lot of discussion currently about the price of oil continuing to drop and staying low for a while. To get a sense of market and key players, we decided to look at the revenue trend line over […]

Satisfied with Fortune 1000 – or looking globally?

Every year, among the various lists published by Fortune magazine is the Fortune 500 and a supplementary list of the next 500.  Collectively they are called the Fortune 1000 and have become such a brand that many companies have focused their attention on this group of firms and declared that this is their target market.  […]

Vertical Market Summary of the Largest Companies in the World

Each of the companies in The Global 5000 database has an industry/vertical market code.  When we run a summary of the companies in the database, the financial industry has the most companies of any vertical market followed by the industrials. Here’s a tally of all the Global 5000 companies and how many are in each […]

Global 5000 Companies — Searching for Top Line Growth

As we have been updating Global 5000 company revenue numbers for 2013, we are struck but the tail off in growth between 2012 and 2013. These big firms were reporting strong growth in the couple of years leading up to the recession, clipping along at 13% and then 7%. The recession hit and revenue dropped […]

Following the Leaders – because size matters

From a market planning perspective, keeping track of the big players in any market segment will provide a pretty good picture of the size, shape and direction of a market. One can see that using The Global 5000 database and looking at each industry/vertical segment compared to all the companies in that industry. We wanted […]

The Global 5000 Activities for January 2014 – M&A and New Companies Added

Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations.  These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]