Dell Joins Other Large Private Companies
With Dell going private in one of the largest financial transactions in recent years, they join quite a group of large, private companies at 20th on the list of privates. Here’s the list in order of the largest revenue. It does include some firms that are government owned. China National Petroleum Vitol Holding B.V. State […]
Updates for Spending on Corporate Training and Education
We have updated our estimates of the amount companies spend on corporate education and training. The data is based on survey research that generated averages of spending by industry (vertical markets) and number of employees by various regions of the world. Taking all that into a model, these estimates were then applied to each company […]
Global M&A Activity – December 2012
Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations. These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]
Top 25 Countries for B2B Revenue
*** Data for this article has been updated on 12 Aug 2018 *** see this post If your business requires a look at sizing or forecasting your market on a country basis, there are a number of ways to derive those estimates. We can suggest one method that uses the Global 5000 company revenue […]
A Look at IT Spending by Industry
As part of The Global 5000 company records, we added an estimate for % of revenue spent on IT after digging into various secondary research sources. Taking that estimated % and applying it to all the records in the database by vertical market, yields some interesting results. We have recently had a new look at […]
Selling Canada’s Energy Resources – China Calling !
In one of the news announcements yesterday, came word that CNOOC of China is buying Nexen of Canada – an energy exploration company. CNOOC is a $38 billion company and Nexen reported revenues of $6.3 billion in 2011. This is a major step for a Chinese company, a major step in the energy industry and […]
What Market Metrics work for you?
With key concepts and phrases like big data, metrics, marketing analytics and benchmarks floating around our every day vocabulary we thought it appropriate to see how these might apply to the B2B marketplace. Both sales and marketing are trying to find opportunities – whether they are called target markets, leads, prospects or some other label, […]
Can Social Media Work With Global 5000 Companies?
We recently came across a good article in Chief Marketer that focused on an IBM initiative to use social media with inside sales teams. This got us thinking – -does social media really work in B2B markets? From Facebook to Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, companies everywhere are using and experimenting with social media. There has […]
Camel’s Nose Under the Tent? – Fed Approves the Acquisition of US Branches by Chinese Bank
A news report came across the wires earlier announcing that the Fed had approved the acquisition of the US branches of the Bank of East Asia by ICBC, the Chinese bank. This has been a year in the making as we covered back in Jan 2011 in this article. That is when it was announced […]
Is This Where B2B Sales is Heading?
There was a good article in Forbes today that speaks to the real challenge facing organizations today as they attempt to continue searching for ways to increase sales while struggling with the changing environment of social media tools & customer engagement. We still live in a world where many B2B sales and marketing personnel continue […]