Satisfied with Fortune 1000 – or looking globally?
Every year, among the various lists published by Fortune magazine is the Fortune 500 and a supplementary list of the next 500. Collectively they are called the Fortune 1000 and have become such a brand that many companies have focused their attention on this group of firms and declared that this is their target market. […]
Vertical Market Summary of the Largest Companies in the World
Each of the companies in The Global 5000 database has an industry/vertical market code. When we run a summary of the companies in the database, the financial industry has the most companies of any vertical market followed by the industrials. Here’s a tally of all the Global 5000 companies and how many are in each […]
Global 5000 Companies — Searching for Top Line Growth
As we have been updating Global 5000 company revenue numbers for 2013, we are struck but the tail off in growth between 2012 and 2013. These big firms were reporting strong growth in the couple of years leading up to the recession, clipping along at 13% and then 7%. The recession hit and revenue dropped […]
Following the Leaders – because size matters
From a market planning perspective, keeping track of the big players in any market segment will provide a pretty good picture of the size, shape and direction of a market. One can see that using The Global 5000 database and looking at each industry/vertical segment compared to all the companies in that industry. We wanted […]
The Global 5000 Activities for January 2014 – M&A and New Companies Added
Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations. These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]
M&A Activities for The Global 5000 Companies – November 2013
Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations. These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]
China’S Growing Business Influence
Each year, Fortune magazine has published a list of the 500 largest public companies in the world. We match this list to our Global 5000 and show the rank of the 500. Looking back 5 years on this same list, it is amazing to see the impact that the growth of China has had on […]
M&A Activities for The Global 5000 Companies – July 2013
Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations. These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]
M&A Activity For Global 5000 Companies – May 2013
Each month we track the corporate activity for the Global 5000 companies as they acquire new businesses or divest of various operations. These ‘comings and goings’ are interesting and shape markets over time. In the short run, there are real implications for companies serving these large organizations and national account programs where various teams are […]
New Fortune 500 Company Rankings are Included in The Global 5000
This week, CNNMoney posted their annual Fortune 500 rankings for 2013. These rankings are for US public companies and these 500 firms are included in the broader Global 5000 database. As has been the case over the past few years, Wal-Mart and Exxon Mobil were #1 and #2. Both GM and Ford were in the […]