B2B Business Database Activity

One thing that remains a constant in the Global 5000 database is change. Market activity in 2020 was flowing with new IPO’s and spin-offs. Plus we continue to see a number of M&A deals. The latest this week is the London Stock Exchange’s acquisition of Refinitiv. Both companies are i the Global 5000. Now that […]

Global 5000 Companies by Country

A question we get frequently is how many Global 5000 companies are in ________________  (country)? To answer the question, here is the count of those Global 5000 companies by country.  USA 1961 China 533 Japan 379 UK 235 Germany 175 Canada 140 France 128 Switzerland 110 India 96 South Korea 86 Australia 75 Sweden 75 […]

This Signals a Major Shift for the Oil Industry

There was press coverage this week of an announcement by Royal Dutch Shell indicating they were undertaking major cost reductions and plans to reconstruct their business and prepare to focus more on renewable energy. We believe this has the markings of something bigger than just another large public company announcing a restructuring. A company with […]

The Global 5000 Real Estate Market – an update

We continue to keep a close eye on real estate companies in the Global 5000 database as the effects of the global pandemic reach into the summer months. The effects are not as sharp nor felt as quickly as other industries like restaurants or travel, but with incomes for many suddenly halted, some significant market […]

The Retail Industry – many shaky elements before this pandemic

Like businesses in every industry, retail companies are anxiously waiting for the signal that they can re-open operations from the global pandemic. The composition of retail is as diverse as any industry and the impact of the economic hit from the coronavirus will be quite different for the different sectors within retail. We are now […]

Airline Industry Update – pre & post COVID-19

As we sit at the front end of what will be the totally economic and social upheaval year 2020, the airline industry serves as perhaps the starkest example of the coronavirus impact. Virtually all commercial airline traffic has been shut down. While the extent of the economic toll of COVID-19 will not be known for […]

Impact on Real Estate Markets

It is pretty clear that once countries around the globe come out of the COVID-19 economic shutdown, recovery and growth will be uneven and will travel a rocky road. Part of the ‘rocky road’ aspect will be the devastation of some industry groups – restaurants for example. In some cases, the public have embraced different […]

Global Markets Perspective – COVID-19 Impact

As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept over the globe (at now an estimated 150 countries) the economic impact will be severe. All countries will feel it.  To put some economic value on the potential impact, we have assembled the GDP values for some of the major countries that have reported a significant number of coronavirus […]

The US Economy — Prior to Coronavirus

Writing this in March 2020 in the midst of a shutdown of many US cities, it is clear that the US economy (and indeed the Global economy) will take a major hit and most likely we will fall into a recession. The coming months and year (or more) will see a rocky, uneven recovery that […]