A Look @ Business Services Industry

We capture a number of diverse segments under the Business Services industry grouping including: law firms, outplacement, accountants, engineering services, consultants, etc.   Here are the top 10 (largest revenue) in that industry:   Alphabet (Google) Meta Platofrms Xiamen Xiangyu Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Accenture Plc PricewaterhouseCoopers Ernst & Young KPMG TD Synnex Corporation Randstad Holding

Regional Growth – AsiaPac rules

Everyone has their eye on China and how fast it has grown. It is expected that China’s economy will overtake the US to become the #1 in the world. Using the data from the Global 5000 companies over the past few years it is clear to see that they are on track. To look at […]

A Broader View of Transportation

We are currently working on an expansion of the overall transportation industry. In the Global economy, transportation spans multiple industry codes and groups that all seem to be experiencing major fundamental shifts. The impact of COVID upended the airline passenger travel business which is just now bouncing back – it also caused havoc with shipping […]

The Global Growth of China

Over the years, we have seen the growth of China’s global footprint everywhere – and it is no more evident than what we see in their large corporations and financial muscle. Diving into our history data for the Global 5000 companies shows that pattern. We can go back to 2012 and look at the China […]

Walmart and Amazon – USA’s #1 and #2

Ever since we began building the Global 5000, Walmart has been in the #1 spot. It is the largest company in the world (by revenue). The company was started by Sam Walton and “back in the day” he and Walmart got a lot of pushback and negative press for wrecking small retailers and ruining small […]

The Global 5000 Rankings – what does it take to make the 5000?

One question we get asked regularly is — what does it take to make it into the Global 5000?  The Global 5000 is based on revenue and for most years, the bottom level of revenue is just above $1 billion in annual revenue. Take a look at the chart below – the blue bars using […]

Following the Largest Companies in Russia will be Challenging

Searching the Global 5000 database, we find 48 companies are headquartered in Russia. The largest of these – as we have come to expect – are in the energy industry. Gazprom, Lukoil and Rosneft are the big three. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the follow-on economic repercussions, the market disruptions create a number of […]

The Global 5000 Over the Years

The economic hit from COVID has been significant for many business segments and they will undoubtedly be slow to come back while others found news ways that were forced on them thru these circumstances.  Economic cycles are not new. They are all different, but always appear. These cycles can be seen by looking at the […]

Food & Beverage Industry Stock Index

The chart below shows data from a newly created index for the Food & Beverage industry — and compares the stock prices of industry leaders to the overall world stock prices (shown on blue line). Index data was captured from a specific day each week so the chart shows the weekly close and changes. As […]

2020 Company Revenue Results – an early look

It is that time of year when companies start reporting their results from 202. The financial results and filings are starting a steady flow for Global 5000 companies with reporting periods ending in December. Since 2020 was such an impactful year where most of us stayed at home and companies in some sectors (like travel) […]