FinTech Market Segmentation
With the rush of funding into the dynamic startup world of FinTech, even more new companies and types of opportunities appear daily. With an eye towards securing funding, many types of companies claim to be a FinTech startup so the definition of ‘what is Fintech?’ becomes really broad. Trying to keep track of it all […]
AT&T Buys Time Warner and the Entertainment Industry Shifts Some More
The proposed AT&T / Time Warner merger is certainly a headline grabber with not only two iconic corporate names involved but an amazing $85 billion dollars on the table. It is the latest turn in the evolving picture of technology and distribution meet content. All the major players want access to the consumers across whatever […]
Lists, Lists & More Lists
People love lists. Consumers like the top 10 lists — top 10 tourist attractions, top cities for retirement, restaurants, US News & World Report’s list of top universities are all popular and a hit every year. The same holds true in the business world where we find a number of top business lists with some […]
Largest Market Opportunities – where are your major accounts?
Account Based Marketing (ABM) continues to get a lot of play in online blogs and consultant advice writings. One of the principles of ABM is that the efforts are focused on key accounts rather than a scatter approach to marketing and sales. In earlier iterations this was also called major account or strategic account marketing. […]
Global 5000 Companies and Brexit
When the results from the UK referendum vote were posted a few days ago, so many questions have popped up and a murky picture of the the future is all that can be seen so far. Naturally, the stock market and UK currency felt the most immediate (and somewhat knee-jerk) reaction. Key among the most […]
FinTech’s foot in the Financial Services Industry – – What’s at Stake ?
Recognize any of these companies? Venmo Moven Lendio Betterment Kraken You should and there are 100’s others just like them. They are the new breed of FinTech companies and they have their eyes on the rich & lucrative financial markets of all types services and applications serving this industry segment. A technology play into existing […]
Oil and Commodities – – the Drag on the Global Economy
So far this year we seem to be in a news cycle hearing of an economy going sideways with continuing questions of growth along with an oil industry constantly in the news. It is easy to see how this has developed by digging into the details of the Global 5000 database. Take a look at […]
update – Global 5000 companies growth
As the 2015 results are being announced during this earnings season, we have been updating records as filings have come in and took a look at the first batch of 670 companies. The chart tells the story that has been the focus of Wall Street recently – i.e. the markets are worried about global growth. […]
When Global Industry Growth Slows
In the current global market environment as we begin 2016, there is concern over the slumping price of oil, a slower growth rate in China and the end of the stock market ‘bull’ cycle — among other concerns. The corporate markets have seen a flood of money fueling new companies (primarily tech and health care) […]
Volkswagen with so much to lose – Why?
The news this week that Volkswagen has been up to no good in order to evade US emissions rules has many scratching their head. Why? With so much to lose in terms of brand value, stock market valuation, most likely some jobs and their reputation among buyers . . . it really begs the question: […]